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  2. Payments and Cancellations

Cancellation Policy

  • Standard - No refund if cancelled within 1 week, 50% refund if cancelled within 2 weeks, full refund if cancelled 2 weeks in advance
  • Flexible - No refund if cancelled within 48hrs, full refund if cancelled 48hrs in advance
  • Friendly - No refund if cancelled within 3 days, 50% refund if cancelled within 1 week, full refund if cancelled 1 week in advance
  • Strict - No refund if cancelled within 10 days, 50% refund if cancelled within 3 weeks, full refund if cancelled 3 weeks in advance
  • Strictest - No refund if cancelled within 2 weeks, 50% refund if cancelled within 1 month, full refund if cancelled 1 month in advance

You can find the cancellation policy of your chosen provider on their profile page online. Hopefully, you won't need to cancel your lessons, but please ensure you are aware of your provider's cancellation policy as you may need to use it after booking.